Monday, September 21, 2009


finally, im home. okehh.

17th sept 2009

ari yg seronok la jugk. huhu. mmg bes kot. kt skola ade ary penutup bln kemerdekaan & penyampaian sumbangan hari raya. yeahh, mmg bes. act, kne duduk dlm barisn kls. but, aku & dormmates duduk dlm klompok dorm. haha. byk kali kne tgor ngan prefects. btw, i ta suke prefects laaa. seriesss! hahaha. prefects skola nihh cm useless. hee, sory laa. but mmg pn. dorg mcm ta byk keje. rileks all the times. borink giler. tp, dorg bajet cm byk keje. okee example lh, skola aku dulu prefects mmg byk job. pg kne bertugas. every inches of the school kne jage. then, time assembly kne jge barisan. ble nk tgor kne tgor baek baek. hee, konon konon laaa. but, seigt aku laa. aku ta suke org kerek ngn aku so theres no use laa aku nk kerek ngan student. then, time rehat jge lg. senang citer, sg pusu prefects are the best! haha. tp, duluu je lh. sekrg new organisation, sumpaaa ta seronok. daa laa prefects yg lame pn ta ade. hee, ta bes. huu. da ruin da kowt. hopefullty ta laa. oke, lets back to the topic. hee, majlis nihh abes lebey kurg kul 10 lebeyh cmtuhh laa. then, tros dpt blek. yeaa! aku blek dorm, tros baring ats ktil kosong. pstuhh, sume tgor sbb rileks sgt. hehe. aku da siap kms brg laa. plg semangat nk blek msty aa kms awl. ble da siap sume, aku, bonzer & wawa bgrak menuju ke bas skola yg baru. ngaaaa. bas hntr smpi dpn ktm. wawa baek pulk kli nihh. slalu nye mau meryau kt term dlu. tp, kli nihh dy nk cpt. hoo, dy nk mrayau kt kl rupenye. huhu. oke, kteorg pn naek laaaaa ktm. aku & bonzer trun kt nilai. so, bubye wawa! aku kne tggu angah 1 hour lg. adoyhhh, lme nye. so, aku pn tggu sorg sorg. tkot gk kt situ. ramai org asing. daa laa kne tggu dpn sevenE. huishhh, mguji keimanan btoii. non-muslim kuar msok minum air. daa laa tgh pose. astaghfirullahalzim. haaa. tggu tggu & tggu. aku smpai kt nilai kul 11. angah smpai nk jmput ak kul 12 stgh. hooo, miserable btol. pnt aku tggu. oke, tape tape. smpai umah angah je, aku tros tdo. ngantokk gle. tp, aku ta tw aa ape yg mnyebbkn aku ngantok sgt. da laa ary ary aku org first tdo. hehe. da three weeks aku ta pegi prep malam. ngaa. seb baek ta kantoi. haha. bes gk. tp, cuak laa beb. ble ta pegi prep tuhh, bantai laa tdo awl.
hee, daa ta de idea. sory.
blog tergendala!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


last nite i dpt calling from someone. ohhh, mcm s**l betol. saket aty! suke aty dy je naa ngaku yg dy tuhh my **. mcm s**T. ta phm phm ker! ta malu. benci laa kao ngek. ak elok ngahh hepy ttbe si **** tuhh ckp cmtuhh. F**k u! arghhhh. benci s**t. ak daa lh sensitif psl tuhh. dy lk sesuke aty je naa wt cmtuhh. kao igt kao tuhh spe!? ak ta knl kao, kao suke aty je naa wt cmtuhh. b**i aa kao! errrhh. bodoooooooooh! bodooooooooh! b**i. ishhh, ta pasal pasal pahala kne tolk. buduuus kao!

Friday, September 4, 2009

physics ouhh physics!

4th september 2009.
i got my physics test paper.

tensennn nye.
aku sgt lemahh ph
huuu. mauu drop~
tp x bol
sir ckp, ble da msk teknik physics is one of the compulsary subject.
wuaaa. rse cm naa nangehh jerr.
cmne cm
ne cmne?
physics je slack nihh.
napeee physics susaa haa?
benci laa!
sampaii mimpi aku pkr psl physic nihhh.
im getting crazy. ishhh.

next year spm khodijah!
physics kne score laa syg.