Friday, February 19, 2010

its too late . huhhh ?

the day i went away , i never thought to turn back .
i walked along the path of way without thinking of anything .
whats' bear in mind is just the pain i'd through .
whats going on that time ?
i saw the person who was hurting me .
but i cant said even a one word .
i do regret it .
the times has past .
everything has changed a lot .
the day i went away i never realized it , how am i going to regret it all my life .
huhhh , theres no any chances anymore .
i missed it .
every second , minutes , hours , days , weeks & months remind me to the person who always cares about me .
but , the useless one is me , who always letting things without thinking .
i miss the moments a lot .
because of the person , i've changed .
nobody knows me better except the person .
i do love you buddy <33
but im so sorry for trouble you a lot .
i miss you ! =.=

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

hari nihh ,

hari nihh tk seronok mcm hari tuhh ,

cume nihh jea ,

fhm fhm je laa .

ehh , ade yg kate aku maken gemokk .


mood ; sayanggile !

Monday, February 15, 2010

woaa .

huu , im quite happy right now .
relevan ke die kate aku nihh sakit jiwa ?

huhh . ataupon die sakit jiwa ? ngeee .
btw , thanx ! hmm , ape yg die ckp myb btol .
tp , bukan thp kritikal .
cuma "ego" .
err , baek nye hati kau even aku penahh wt jht ngan kau .
ahaha , kau hebat lh weyhh . ngee ;DD

Sunday, February 14, 2010

sweet 18 (;

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to
abg uda ;)
sweet 18 .

abg uda , even kau jahat ngan aku . aku still sayang kau . haha . hepy besday .
may your day be ahead with bless & hapiness .

Saturday, February 6, 2010


seriously , im not exhilarating & it's not bloody fantastic . im totally exhausted for ... ... . & now 99.999% im very sure that im giving up on .... .

ibu ohh ibu .

now im sitting besides ibu . kesian ibu , sakit . tu lahh , workaholic . hemm , ibu start sakit 2 / 2/ 2010 . but tak de sape pon nk inform kt aku . patotlah that day aku kol tk de sape jwb . ibu kene thn masok wad . mule-mule suspek denggi . tp , ble check balek doktor kate high blood pressure & diabetes . lastly doktor kate kidneys problem . mcm pakej pulak penyakit ibu nihh . hemm , ibu cpt laa sihat . dija risau laa tgk ibu sakit nihh . sgt kesian . rse nk nanges bile tgk ibu .

i always saw an energetic woman .
she rarely sick . ibu ohh ibu .
dija doakn ibu cpt sembuh yea . aminn .